Marcello's house
In June 2012, Marcello's father, with whom we had been talking for some time about the possibility of expanding his house, gave us the happy news that Marcello was due to be born at the beginning of 2013. So this possibility had suddenly become a concrete need, without any hurry but with a set due date.
From the beginning, the idea was to apply what had been learned during research on the application of geodesic geometry and various workshops on the subject in which different ideas that had arisen from it had been applied. Due to various factors, and despite many attempts, it had never been possible to apply it to the construction of a specific habitable space, a necessary step to move forward and test what had been proposed up to that point.
The opportunity to build a geodesic house for Marcello seemed perfect since large pallets (2x1 meters) were frequently found in the area due to some dynamics of the industrial cycles that take place locally.
So without wasting too much time at the beginning of July we met with Michele and José from NoSoloPaja and, after an afternoon of planning and collecting materials, we built a first prototype in a few hours to start working three-dimensionally on our ideas.
Despite being a model of just 2 meters in diameter, we learned a lot from it.
The experience brought us face to face with the practical problems of the proposals and in this way we were able to resolve all the construction details of the joints and their assembly on a simple model that we could keep under control at all times. There is no doubt that without this experience all the following ones would not have been possible.
So without wasting too much time at the beginning of July we met with Michele and José from NoSoloPaja and, after an afternoon of planning and collecting materials, we built a first prototype in a few hours to start working three-dimensionally on our ideas.
So without wasting too much time at the beginning of July we met with Michele and José from NoSoloPaja and, after an afternoon of planning and collecting materials, we built a first prototype in a few hours to start working three-dimensionally on our ideas.
Despite being a model of just 2 meters in diameter, we learned a lot from it.
The experience brought us face to face with the practical problems of the proposals and in this way we were able to resolve all the construction details of the joints and their assembly on a simple model that we could keep under control at all times. There is no doubt that without this experience all the following ones would not have been possible.
After that we took some time to prepare and organize a joint workshop by NoSoloPaja and Ctrl+Z aimed at all audiences interested in learning how to build a geodesic dome without any prior knowledge in the field. The workshop actually wanted to cover both the theoretical and practical aspects of building a geodesic dome.
The first days of the workshop were not attended by many people because it started on a Monday, so that the group could work on preparing the pieces and laying the foundations in a smaller group that grew rapidly throughout the week to be completed just when the hands were most needed, in the phase of assembling the triangles and their placement. Of course, this phase is also the one that generates the most excitement as you see the dome grow rapidly, taking shape little by little. It was incredibly exciting to see how the key piece, the pentagon, they knew, fit perfectly, giving the whole structure, in which small movements were detected, a solidity that was unsuspected until then, being able to climb on it without any movement in it.
Apart from Marcello's family, NoSoloPaja and Ctrl+Z participated in the assembly with different involvement: Anna, Carolina, Cecilia, Edu, Ramón, Gustavo, Leandro, Yvette.
From a purely geometrical point of view, it is not a classic geodesic, but two domes, or rather a frequency 3 geodesic and its dual, have been woven on the same spherical surface, which will configure the “Brujodesico™” system. Nevertheless, I personally did not think I would achieve this level of solidity before having placed an inner sealing layer and thus having transformed the dome into a double-skin geodesic structure.
Apart from Marcello's family, NoSoloPaja and Ctrl+Z participated in the assembly with different involvement: Anna, Carolina, Cecilia, Edu, Ramón, Gustavo, Leandro, Yvette.
From a purely geometrical point of view, it is not a classic geodesic, but two domes, or rather a frequency 3 geodesic and its dual, have been woven on the same spherical surface, which will configure the “Brujodesico™” system. Nevertheless, I personally did not think I would achieve this level of solidity before having placed an inner sealing layer and thus having transformed the dome into a double-skin geodesic structure.
Construction was halted due to the arrival of winter and to allow Marcello's parents to concentrate on the more important task of his birth.
During this season, transparent fabrics protect the structure, transforming it into a greenhouse that often became the ideal space for organizing meals with friends who came to visit. In January 2013, Marcello arrived and in March we met again with Michele to begin preparing and placing the exterior enclosure to proceed with its final waterproofing.
Initially, the project contemplated an exterior enclosure of “osb” and an interior enclosure of common pallet boards dismantled and reused for this purpose, contributing to definitively tying the structure together. The insulation would be made of compacted straw and the waterproofing achieved with a woven and vapor-permeable element.
At the moment, however, many of these aspects are being reconfigured, either to meet the wishes of Marcello's family, who have become familiar with the space over the winter and have considered new ways of living in it, or to incorporate the physical elements that have appeared during the process and suggest different options that could change its course.
For example, the family began to appreciate the harmony and peace provided by the structure's design so much that they now want to investigate other solutions for the interior finish that would allow them to maintain their view, which would be the one they would experience most intensely.
On the other hand, during the winter, different inflatable pools were found, which were rescued from the garbage and which suggest a possible change in the waterproofing strategy.
Ultimately, proceeding without excessive haste is giving us, once again, the opportunity to evaluate and, if necessary, take advantage of the opportunities that arise throughout the process.
At the moment, work is underway on solar collectors made of clay and water-filled bottles that will form the lower plinth on the south side, while on the north side, at the intersection with the house, empty ones will be placed for the construction of a much thinner lattice. The complex would be completed with an “Earthship-style” greenhouse on the west side, which would also serve as a distribution space for the house. The inclusion of passive air conditioning systems on the interior floor is still being studied.
These phases of the project are expected to be completed by November 2013. If further workshops are to be organised for this purpose, they will be published on this page.
When we see the project, we are often asked, especially by fellow architects, where the cutting of the pieces was commissioned, assuming that it was done with numerical control machines, and the price of the operation itself.
At the same time, there are signs of disbelief when the lack of resources is demonstrated by showing them photos of the workshop where the dome was created, built by ordinary people without having to resort to the expensive services of highly specialized workers.
Marcello's house, on the other hand, shows that a family with simple means, a screwdriver, a mitre saw, a tape measure, a few clamps, a desire to learn, friends and a good dose of patience, can get involved in the construction of their own living space. Even Rosa, Marcello's mother, although she was spared some work at height, actively participated in the assembly. In this way, it will no longer be a received space but a generated space that, starting from a base, can be consolidated over time.
Contrary to what one might think, if considered as a factor in the planning phase, the material can be used generating minimal waste. Even the OSB panels of the exterior enclosure, where it would seem more complicated to fit the different triangles, have achieved an efficiency of 97%. The resulting parts are strips of 20-35 x 244 cm that will be easy to use for the overhangs of doors and windows, as well as other finishing elements.
These phases of the project are expected to be completed by November 2013. If further workshops are to be organised for this purpose, they will be published on this page.
When we see the project, we are often asked, especially by fellow architects, where the cutting of the pieces was commissioned, assuming that it was done with numerical control machines, and the price of the operation itself.
At the same time, there are signs of disbelief when the lack of resources is demonstrated by showing them photos of the workshop where the dome was created, built by ordinary people without having to resort to the expensive services of highly specialized workers.
Marcello's house, on the other hand, shows that a family with simple means, a screwdriver, a mitre saw, a tape measure, a few clamps, a desire to learn, friends and a good dose of patience, can get involved in the construction of their own living space. Even Rosa, Marcello's mother, although she was spared some work at height, actively participated in the assembly. In this way, it will no longer be a received space but a generated space that, starting from a base, can be consolidated over time.
Contrary to what one might think, if considered as a factor in the planning phase, the material can be used generating minimal waste. Even the OSB panels of the exterior enclosure, where it would seem more complicated to fit the different triangles, have achieved an efficiency of 97%. The resulting parts are strips of 20-35 x 244 cm that will be easy to use for the overhangs of doors and windows, as well as other finishing elements.
We are convinced that this way of acting and applying geodetic geometry is much more in line with the initial philosophy of Richard Buckminster Fuller.
For the terminal, we have no doubt that this project can fit into the fashionable scheme for defining projects, basically any project, green and 100% detachable, reconstructable, recyclable, although to these concepts and those of “reduce, reuse, recycle” of sustainability in Crtl+Z, as usual, we like to add our “workhorse” or “factory seal” the “actively and systematic rescue” of the material and immaterial resources present in the environment, in standby or waste thereof, which once again prove perfectly suitable for the creation of habitable spaces.
Special thanks to Jordi for his punctual but effective help and to Rafael for the laughter and friendliness (which are also much needed) with which they accompanied us throughout the entire process.
Our thanks to Javi Milara for these photos updated to March 2017.