Architecture Projects

Projects of

Ctrl+Z develops research and dissemination activities, publishing in academic journals and participating in scientific conferences.

The professional career has been recognized by the Curry Stone Design Prize, an international award that seeks to highlight the professional careers of those who work in architecture from a social perspective.


  • -XVII Biennale Architettura di Venezia
    Spanish Pavilion (Venice, Italy)
  • I Biennale d'Architecture de Lyon
    La Sucrerie (Lyon, France)
  • XV Biennale Architettura di Venezia
    Italian Pavilion (Venice, Italy)
  • Eme3 International Architecture Festival
    Fabra and Coats Creation Factory (Barcelona, Spain)
  • Devir Menor: Critical spatial architectures and practices in Ibero-America
    Martins Sacramento Society (Guimarães, Portugal)
  • Urbanités Inattendues. Evénements construits et appropriations de l'espace Urbain.
    Itinerant (Grenoble – Nantes – Toulouse, France)


The career path has been recognized by the CURRY STONE DESIGN PRIZE,
an international award that seeks to highlight, honor and reward professional careers
of those who work on architecture from a social perspective, contributing to improving the
daily living conditions of communities around the world.

  • 3rd classifying Prize of the “IV Recycle Art Contest”
  • 3rd place “eme3_2013 International Architecture Festival Award”
  • 1st place “International Architecture Festival Award eme3_2010”


  • Sunma+ No. 122
    Donn SA/Buenos Aires, Argentina
  • Office* No. 5
    (Anteferma Edizioni Srl, Italy)
  • Between lines #121
    Editorial Group srl / Venezia, Italy
  • Chinese and Oversea Landscape nº36
    Jiangsu people's publishing / Beijing, China
  • Zeppelin No. 100 and No. 119                  Asociatia Zeppelin / Bucharest, Romania
  • Sans Transition (France)
    Scop La Maison des Possibles / France
  • Sulfur #210
    Sulfur Publishing, Inc. / Toronto, Canada


Punk architecture & Social projects